Sessions continue at The House Of Vibes for the next new release by The Grip Weeds. The band cut a batch of new songs for the record this past weekend. Titles include "Rise Up" by Kurt and "See Yourself" mostly written by Rick– both are rocking new songs that build on the sound they achieved on Strange Change Machine, their last album of all-new material. Kurt recently got a new larger kick drum (24"), and Rick suggested recording the drum tracks using the Glyn Johns method of mic placement (Glyn Johns is a legendary British Rock producer/engineer whose claims to fame are Who's Next and Led Zeppelin 1 among many others) which gives the new tracks an added power. The Grip Weeds also record to analog tape, an old school approach that imparts a thunderous slam to Rock music, drums in particular. And Dave's bass work is astounding throughout! The new songs are added to others they've been stockpiling for the last year or so that are in various states of completion. Recording Grip Weeds music takes time, but in the end it will be worth it. It won't be long now– We'll keep you posted! –Eli Ransford